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Taproom Events

 J A N U A R Y 
1/1 Trivia 630 (postponed to 1/8)
Theme - Disney

1/15 Trivia 630
Theme - Mixed Bag

1/25-1/26 Long Lake Fishing Derby
Good luck all anglers!

 F E B R U A R Y 
2/12 Trivia 630
Theme - Space, Superheroes & Sitcoms

5-2/23 February Break
Schools may be closed but we aren't!

2/26 Trivia 630
Theme - Mixed Bag

 M A R C H 
3/1 Can Am Sled Dog Race
Good luck all mushers!

3/5 Trivia 630
Theme - Name That Tune

3/19 Trivia 630
Theme - Mixed Bag

 A P R I L 
4/2 Trivia 630
Theme - Who Said What? (quotes)

4/16 Trivia 630
Theme - Mixed Bag

4/19 April Vacation
Schools may be closed but we aren't!

20 Easter Sunday

$7 Flight Night every Thursday

Student Sundays Draft Discounts w/valid student id 

Trivia 1st & 3rd* Wednesday of the mon
(*except February - check dates)

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